Donated the building of a new classroom for Lower School Children in Rishikesh at
New Adarsh Model Junior High School (Class-L.K.G. To 8th)
Chandreshwar Nagar Rishikesh Near Chandreshwar Temple
Dr. Easton Offers National Programs to Non-Profit Organizations for Transitioning Populations
Find the Path of Self-Love and Acceptance
Clearing Past Pain and Honoring Your Life Experiences to Discover Personal Value. The six modules of the course includes guided meditation, self-assessments and reflection. Participants learn to own their past accomplishments, view disappointment as an opportunity for self-love and learn to uncover what they really want from life.
What‘s Holding You Back from Having The Life You Want?
Changing Thoughts, Words, Feelings, and Actions to Create the Life You Want. The six modules of the course includes examining early memories of money and self worth and replacing old beliefs with new, empowering ones. Participants learn to “want it, deserve it and create it,” to alter their thoughts and words, to see failure as opportunities for change and to set and work toward goals.
Staff Training
Dr. Easton offers a one-day training to Educate Your Staff to Effectively Complement What Participants Learn in the 6-Week Programs on Love and Acceptance and Having the Life You Desire.
”Dr. Easton is a wonderful person with extraordinary talent. I have benefitted greatly from her insight and I have witnessed her ability to help others become more clear about their life circumstances and make the changes they need.“
— Tina Staley LCSW, Founder of Pathfinders, Aspen, Colorado Non-Profit
“Dr. Kamala Easton brought together people from many walks of life and easily facilitated a conversation that was at once challenging and inspiring. Participants asked her to come back again at the close of her workshop, which speaks to her incredible ability to connect with her clientele.”
— Kelly Shinn, Earthlinks, Denver, CO Non-Profit