Reflections on Dr. Easton’s Teachings


“Embodying the Spirit is a gentle, joyous journey beyond your heart’s desire to your being’s essence, your soul’s whisper…a place you have always known was beckoning. Working with Kamala, I have explored and developed practices to access my truest self as one with the divine while fully living this human life.”

-Susannah Robinson
CEO, Wyldwood

“I have found Kamala to be an informed and inspired teacher of yogic spirituality, particularly relating to the traditions of the Goddess. She has studied her subject not simply academically but also experientially and brings in a great deal of personal insight and dedication into her work. She has a unique ability to inspire and to communicate with a diverse audience. “

– Dr. David Frawley, Director, American Institute of Vedic Studies



“It was a pleasure to host Dr. Kamala Easton at Yoga Yoga in Austin, Texas. It is a rare treat to have the opportunity to learn from a teacher of Kamala’s caliber who has dedicated so many decades to her personal yoga journey. Kamala’s willingness to share her story and wisdom was most appreciated by teachers and students alike.”

-Laura Forsyth, Events Director, Yoga Yoga, Founder, One Yoga Global

Dr. Kamala Easton has an authentic gift of insight. I invited her to conduct a group intuitive session for 20 of my best clients. Our group was so impressed with her gift, we booked privates for ourselves, spouses and kids. For anyone needing a fresh perspective, or help moving past blockages, I recommend working with Dr. Easton.

– Greg and Michelle Owens, Yoga Studio Owners, Orlando, Fl.


Hello from the Sunny Gold Coast Australia

“I was given your name early this morning by an ascended master.He came to visit me for the first time 4 weeks ago in a Reiki healing session and spoke to my soul.I could not remember hearing him or remember what he said and as he was adamant he was not there to communicate with the Healer just me she could not help me. After a very restless night last night I asked him to come to me again and repeat what he told me. The only thing I remember was your name. So when I got up I googled you and here we are.”-Niki Palmer, Brisbane Australia



“I have been blessed more than once to receive a reading from Kamala. With incredible accuracy, she weaves deep and insightful information to me as if being recited from a saint, an angel and/or some divine energy. I have come away each time with a sweet sense of expansion, my burdens lifted and my heart opened even more.”

-Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM
Owner – Santa Fe Soul Health & Healing Center

“Kamala’s readings and teachings are very pure and powerful. They helped me bring forth aspects of myself that were waiting, it is like a slight tuck in the right direction something that was already in me somewhere but needed to be brought into consciousness. It is powerful when somebody can talk to you, knowing you, giving you a different perspective on your life, opening your smallness. You grow much faster. And I always felt it was not just talking but there was help there for me in what it wanted to attain, it was easier after the session. I got some kind of a boost. It is very worthwhile and I highly recommend it.”-Gisela Stromeyer, Architect and Designer, Uster Park, NY


“I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the clearing session. The healing was so powerful that it broke through limiting beliefs I had fostered about being seen in a big way. The session helped strengthen my desire to be seen in the world. No longer am I scared of shining my light for fear of judgment by others. A huge relief has been lifted! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Kamala!”

-Giselle Shapiro
Author, Speaker, Founder of

“If you are willing to dive in to what keeps you blocked from living into your full expression of who you are and why you are here then I highly recommend working with Kamala. Her teachings and sessions provide guidance to me as to the next pieces for me to unfold to step into and claim who I am in the most profound way. This is foundational work where real, lasting transformational can occur.“ -Judy Day,
Founder Dreamtime Inc., Founder and President, Magical Matches



“I met with you 8-1-15 when you were at Meta Yoga. Can you believe I have a typed copy of that session and still carry it with me in my purse, reading it over again every so often!” -Maureen Evans,
Breckenridge CO

“Dr. Easton is a wonderful person with extraordinary talent. I have benefitted greatly from her insight and I have witnessed her ability to help others become more clear about their life circumstances and make the changes they need.” -Tina Staley, LCSW
Founder of Pathfinders, Aspen, Colorado Non-Profit

“I have really enjoyed taking Kamala’s classes. I wish this type of knowledge was taught in school! She not only gives you information, but she gives you helpful suggestions on how to use it to transform your life. The classes build on each other and are easy to implement into day to day activities. Months after the course I am still using the materials and lessons to keep me on track. I highly recommend taking Kamala’s classes, they are uplifting and inspiring. “ -Ambere Cunmingham,
Massage Therapist, Yogi
Basalt, CO



“Kamala shares her wisdom in a loving and intentful way. I had a positive experience in her goddess workshop and felt immediately at ease in her presence, which led to me taking her journey toward enlightenment course. Working with Kamala has helped me shift my internal awareness, which, in turn, has altered my perception of the world around me and allows me to act for my greatest good.” -Erica Ragusa,
Owner, Ambika Therapies
Breckenridge, CO

“I got so much out of spending time with you. I didn’t expect to laugh so much, I haven’t laughed like that in years. The truth can be funny! Your words were very liberating for me and have added a whole new level of confidence to my way of being” -Cari Lausier,


“I know it’s important to listen and follow our own intuition, but there are moments when we need help. Working with Kamala for me was in the right moment at the right time! Her advice during the session gave me the courage to accomplish the next step of my life and now I just get married! – Hdk, Espanola, NM


“In the first 15 minutes of meeting with Kamala (and she had NO history on me), she told me that I needed to get healthy. She shared some other things and I knew that she knew…she had insight into my life…my being. I had insights, openings, understandings. My mind was tuned in and the Universe was showing me the way. . Life changing? ABSOLUTELY!” -Michele Swicegood Asheville, NC

I had couple very specific questions to ask when I went to see Dr. Kamala. We started talking and she answered them, without me asking anything! After hearing her speak and re-listening to our taped session, I realized that there are no wrong choices to make in life- that everything unfolds perfectly and that there is a learning experience in each moment. However, following Dr. Kamala’s advice puts you back in the fast track of moving your life forward, since it’s coming from the highest place. Now, my life seems to moving at warp speed being in the flow~~~ for the highest good for all. Thank you so much for a trans formative experience.” -Daein Kang, Yogi,
Lama Foundation, Questa, NM
